Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The People of State College Part Nineteen: The Dancer

I haven't updated this blog in a long time because I've been running out of material. But then I thought how almost daily I develop an obsession with a new guy. People would be interested in that, right. :) Also, I feel like my blog is lacking in real, very personal details about my life. Details that one would never feel secure in sharing with the world except in blog format. (This has been a reader complaint.) Also, The People of State College was always a very popular series.
I met the red headed subject of this post in State College a few weekends back when I was there for a weekend of research. I met him in Chumley's, the only gay bar in State college (although apparently the city used to have four separate gay bars in the seventies!). He was sitting by himself at the other end of the bar and would occasionally begin to dance rather violently to the music. Apparently he can't control this. The bartender invited him behind the bar to mix drinks and he ended up making one for me. Later in the evening, I stared at him. :) I think he noticed this because he moved to a different location in the bar, directly behind me. This may have been to prevent further staring but I interpreted it as an attempt to talk to me. Anyways, it came out that he was an astronomist (not a word but this is what I called him). The next night I danced with him a little at the club next to Chumley's, which has a gay friendly night once a week. I asked him to visit me for pride weekend. He declined. It was a tragic, short lived, and probably one sided romance. But I got another facebook friend out of it. (I'm almost above 100).