Friday, September 26, 2008

The People of State College Part Eighteen: Boring PI

Note: Before I quit talking about people from Pennsylvania, I will mention this guy.

The first floor of my apartment building I lived in this Summer had an office. On it's door hung a sign... "This is not the building office."

In fact, the office belongs to a private investigator. Your probably thinking, how exciting, right? Well, one couldn't be more wrong. I talked to this guy once while we both got our mail. He was depressing, straight laced, and all around boring. His office was messy, but not in any sort of glamorous way and it was always very bright. Maybe I'm alone on this but if I hire a PI I have certain expectations. That he smoke a cigar, sit in a dimly lit office, occasionally speak into a tape recorder. After all, one can't have just anyone spying on there loved ones. Who's with me? He won't be getting my business. I guess I'll just have to continue "checking up on" my friends myself.

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