Saturday, May 31, 2008

The People of State College Part One: Postal Guy Number One

So I went to the Post office the other day.  There was only one person in front of me in line.  He left and I went up to the postal clerk and said "I need to mail this package to New York City".  He said "I can help you with that buddy... just stay calm, we're going to get through this."  I thought this was an odd thing to say, because I am a very calm person.  Him saying that made me self conscious about my calmness and in the act of trying to appear more calm I became a little less calm.  He then said "I need you to tape this package up, but do so carefully".  He directed me to some tape lying on the countertop.  I was slightly flustered at this point but determined to tape the package well.  I walked over to the tape and began.  

While I was taping other customers came and left.  I heard the postal clerk tell one guy "Connecticut huh...  So you are actually allowed to drive."  This was after checking his driver license for ID.  He made a good point: Should people from Connecticut be allowed to drive? 

 After I had finished, I realized I had actually used more tape than was necessary.  "You did a good job there buddy."  He said, "We're going to get through this."  He also told me that I would not need to take his remedial taping class and that he was very surprised I had done so well because he had not expected it.  The compliments put me at ease.  He entered the address I was sending the package to in the computer and told me that it would cost five dollars.  "But are there not options for how fast I want to send it," I asked,  "because I need to send it overnight."  He said, "you don't want to do that buddy.  We'll just send it regular priority."  He then continued getting the package sent as he wished it to be sent.  

This was a problem for me because I needed overnight on orders from the post doc who was in charge of me.  After some debate, I was able to convince him to allow me to send it overnight.  This was after I told him that I would get reimbursed for the extra cost.  "I'll send if for you," he said.  "There not going to reimburse you buddy.  They never do, but if it really has to be overnight then I'll send it overnight for you."  This ended up adding slightly more than fifteen dollars to the cost.  Then I left.  I had made it through my first State College postal visit.  

P.S.  I will make it known whether I get reimbursed or not.  So far it is a no go, but these things take time.

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