Saturday, May 31, 2008

The People of State College Part Three: Postal Guy Number Two

After my first visit to the post office I was dying to go back.  As luck would have it shortly thereafter I had another package to send.  I headed on down there expecting to have another run in with Postal Guy Number One.  Instead I had my first meeting with postal guy number two.

My friend Taruna had recently given me a Vans t-shirt and a Yankees t-shirt.  On that day I was wearing the yankees t-shirt.   I walked up to the booth and explained to the guy that I needed to send a package but I hadn't wrapped it yet because I wanted to put the receipt inside.  He told me "I'm sorry sir, the yankee line is two booths down."  However, he was the only clerk in the place and there were no other booths.  He said some other jokes too which were funny but which I don't remember.

So anyway, I sent the package.  Apparently these two postal clerks work as a team and are really cracker jacks.  My conservative labmate told me that if you go in during the school year when the post office is busy and there's a line those guys will hold up a sign that says something quirky like "nice shoes".  He also told me that the US Post Office was going to shut down that branch and there was a big student protest.  The students position was that they relieved their stress by going to the post office...  and please don't take it away from them.  I'm not sure if that's true or not because I think my conservative labmate often makes stuff up.

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