Sunday, June 29, 2008

Movie Review: Under the Same Moon

Really, really good. I loved this movie...

Usually when I go to the independant theater it is only me and a few interspersed elderly couples. Here it was me and tons of elderly couples. I think in the future I will avoid matinees.

I did see one young person there. I was heading up to the balcony and he was heading down from the balcony. He asked me "Is this the correct theater for Under the Same Moon." I told him yes. He left the balcony to sit closer to the screen. I went down there as well. I decided to try and make friends with him after the movie. He must have left early or something because when the credits started rolling he was not in his seat. Maybe he sensed my plan and left so I wouldn't talk to him. 

People are too choosy about who'll they make friends with. Why can't they make friends with anyone, like me. I provide my current friends as proof that I have no standards. And yet I still have to go see movies by myself.

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